Source code for limix.qc._ld

from __future__ import division

[docs]def indep_pairwise(X, window_size, step_size, threshold, verbose=True): """ Determine pair-wise independent variants. Independent variants are defined via squared Pearson correlations between pairs of variants inside a sliding window. Parameters ---------- X : array_like Sample by variants matrix. window_size : int Number of variants inside each window. step_size : int Number of variants the sliding window skips. threshold : float Squared Pearson correlation threshold for independence. verbose : bool `True` for progress information; `False` otherwise. Returns ------- ok : ndarray Boolean array defining independent variants Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> from limix.qc import indep_pairwise >>> >>> random = RandomState(0) >>> X = random.randn(10, 20) >>> >>> indep_pairwise(X, 4, 2, 0.5, verbose=False) array([ True, True, False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]) """ from joblib import Parallel, delayed from tqdm import tqdm from ..threads import get_max_nthreads from numpy import ascontiguousarray, logical_not, zeros left = 0 excls = zeros(X.shape[1], dtype=bool) if step_size > window_size: raise ValueError("Window size has to be smaller than step size.") n = (X.shape[1] + step_size) // step_size steps = list(range(n)) cc = get_max_nthreads() with tqdm(total=n, desc="Indep. pairwise", disable=not verbose) as pbar: while len(steps) > 0: i = 0 right = 0 delayeds = [] while i < len(steps): step = steps[i] left = step * step_size if left < right: i += 1 continue del steps[i] right = min(left + window_size, X.shape[1]) x = ascontiguousarray(X[:, left:right].T) delayeds.append(delayed(_func)(x, excls[left:right], threshold)) if len(delayeds) == cc: Parallel(n_jobs=min(len(delayeds), cc), backend="threading")( delayeds ) pbar.update(len(delayeds)) delayeds = [] if len(delayeds) == 0: continue Parallel(n_jobs=min(len(delayeds), cc), backend="threading")(delayeds) pbar.update(len(delayeds)) return logical_not(excls)
def _row_norms(X): from numpy import double, einsum, sqrt norms = einsum("ij,ij->i", X, X, dtype=double) return sqrt(norms, out=norms) def _sq_pearson(X): from numpy import ascontiguousarray, double, newaxis, zeros from scipy.spatial import _distance_wrap m = X.shape[0] dm = zeros((m * (m - 1)) // 2, dtype=double) X2 = X - X.mean(1)[:, newaxis] X2 = ascontiguousarray(X2) if hasattr(_distance_wrap, "pdist_cosine_wrap"): norms = _row_norms(X2) X2 = X - X.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True) if hasattr(_distance_wrap, "pdist_cosine_wrap"): _distance_wrap.pdist_cosine_wrap(X2, dm, norms) else: _distance_wrap.pdist_cosine_double_wrap(X2, dm) return (-dm + 1) ** 2 def _pdist_threshold(mark, dist, thr): mark[:] = False size = len(mark) m = 0 for i in range(0, size - 1): if mark[i]: m += size - (i + 1) continue for j in range(i + 1, size): if dist[m] > thr: mark[j] = True m += 1 def _func(x, excls, threshold): from numpy import zeros dist = _sq_pearson(x) e = zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=bool) _pdist_threshold(e, dist, threshold) excls |= e